Purchases Data + Returns Data (Daily Feeds & 1-time Historical Export)

Your P&R data helps our algorithm learn and master the size and fit of your products. It is also what allows us to report on the overall performance of the tool via your Performance Platform. #

How should the files be shared? #

All files are to be sent to a secured sFTP. More information on how to share your Purchase & Return feeds and other necessary data files are found in a separate article on how to send data to the sFTP.

  • The P&R data is to be sent as two separate files; a purchase file and a returns file. Each set of files uploaded should contain the previous day or week’s data.
  • The Purchase file should contain all purchased items, even those that were eventually returned
  • The Returns file should contain ONLY returned items
  • Purchases should contain orders that were confirmed as shipped
  • Return data should contain returns for orders that were confirmed as shipped.
  • We first require a historical set of Purchase & Returns data files. These files should contain both purchases and returns from the last 6 months to 1 year minimum.
  • Purchase & Returns data should be sent daily to the sFTP. They should contain the purchase and the returns from the previous day.

Purchase Data #

A data file containing all purchased items (including those items that would eventually be returned).

Required fields:

  • Order ID (VERY IMPORTANT: this must be the same Order ID as sent via Purchase Script – Confirm Script)
  • Hashed Email (MD5 hash)
  • Customer ID
  • Article ID (same ID as in Product Feed)
  • Manufacturer Size Scale
  • Manufacturer Sizes
  • Retailed Size Scale
  • Retailed Sizes
  • Quantity ordered
  • Order Timestamp (should be the date the order was placed – not shipped)

Note: Fields in bold are Mandatory

Returns Data #

A data feed containing all returned items

Required fields:

  • Order ID (same Order ID as sent via Purchase Script – Confirm Script)
  • Article ID (same ID as in Product Feed)
  • Manufacturer Size Scale
  • Manufacturer Sizes
  • Retailed Size Scale
  • Retailed Sizes
  • Quantity returned
  • Return Reason
  • Return Timestamp

Note: Fields in bold are Mandatory

What are your feelings
Updated on July 9, 2024