Sending Product, Purchase & Returns Data to the sFTP

All Product, Purchase & Returns data is safely and securely shared via sFTP. #

You will be provided with credentials to your sFTP #

  • Username: yourusername
  • Password: yourpassword
  • Host:
  • Protocol: sFTP
  • Port: 22

Sending Future Product Feeds #

It is important for ShoeSize.Me to have access to an updated Product Feed that will contain new products as soon as they go on sale. This ensures our Size Advisor will appear on all shoe product pages. This feed is either to be sent through a URL link or as a CSV or XML file to your sFTP.

If sending your Product Feed as a file, an example of how these files can be named is below:

  • 20170511_yourshop_productfeed

Sending Future Purchase & Returns Data #

Purchase & Returns data should be sent daily to the sFTP. They should contain the purchase and the returns from the previous day.

The Purchase file should contain all purchased items, even those that were eventually returned

The Returns file should contain ONLY returned items

Purchase & Returns data should be sent daily to the sFTP. They should contain the purchase and the returns from the previous day. An example of how these files can be named is below:

  • 20170511_yourshop_purchases
  • 20170511_yourshop_returns
What are your feelings
Updated on July 5, 2024